Trash the Dress wedding photographers in the Yarra Valley

Trash the Dress Photo Shoots are becoming very popular with today’s brides and grooms.

It is a great way to have more exciting fun in your wedding attire and can add an extra dimension to any wedding photography album you might be creating.

Here are a 7 tips and suggestions on how to TRASH THE DRESS with your Yarra Valley Wedding Photographer…….

1. Take the Splash

This is one of the most popular trash the dress scenarios. You see these kind of scenes at the movies, getting wet, playing in the sand, and kissing on the beach and we all sigh and wish we could do it. Well why not take the plunge?!

2. Getting muddy

If you are an outdoor person and love the dirt then there are plenty of places to take your Trash the Dress shoot. First you need to find a nice bit of mud. A good rainfall usually helps, but here in Australia it might be easier with a hose! It is like going back to being a child but this time you won’t get in trouble for wrecking your clothes!

3. Get your motor running

Are you a petrolhead? Why not hire your dream car and have some sexy photos taken with it. You could even give it a wash and get wet and dirty and still remain sexy and hot. If the car is not your thing then why not try a bus, truck or skateboard or BMX bike – the possibilities are endless.

4. Show Time

Want some fun at the fair? Get yourself down to Luna Park and jump on the bumper cars or rollercoaster and at the end sit in the ferris wheel and cuddle up to your husband.

5. Painting up a Storm

Doing some renovations around the house? Now you can only do this one if you really don’t want your dress as there is no dry cleaners out there that can take paint out of the dress. Don’t expect to sell the dress afterwards!

6. Trainlines/urban

Why not take advantage of graffiti on trains or walls for your photos. Train lines make great photos. Whether it be walking along side them or lying down in the middle of the tracks. The old railway tracks in Yarra Glen near Train Trak winery are perfect for this!. Or find a wall or skateboard pipe with loads of colourful graffiti on it – this makes a great background.

7. Some like it Hot

Well this one is not for the faint hearted and yes it has been done. Why not burn your dress? Whether you do it bit by bit or all at once that would be up to you. If you don’t want to burn it then why not go to a field that is ablaze or cane fields. Fire amazes everyone so just imagine what your photos would look like on your wall.

Interested in a Trash the Dress shoot? Yarra Valley Wedding Photographers are offering complimentary TTD shoots with ALL weddings booked this year!

Healesville Wedding Photographers

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